Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I walked 2.5 miles today.

Miles Completed: 84.5
Miles Still to Goal: 280.5


I walked 1 mile today.

Miles Completed: 82
Miles Still to Goal: 283


I walked 1 mile today.

Miles Completed: 81
Miles Still to Goal: 284


I walked 2 miles today.

Miles Completed: 80
Miles Still to Goal: 285


I walked 2 miles today.

Miles Completed: 78
Miles Still to Goal: 287


I walked 2 miles today.

Miles Completed: 76
Miles Still to Goal: 289

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I walked 2.5 miles today.

Miles Completed: 74
Miles Still to Goal: 291


I walked 2.5 miles today.

Miles Completed: 71.5
Miles Still to Goal: 293.5

Monday, April 21, 2014


I went on 2 long walks today.
The first was Coraline and I for about a hour...non-stop walking.
I was so disgusted by all the trash I saw that I came home, dropped her off, grabbed a bunch of trash bags and Jaemison and went back out for another walk but obviously had stops, bending over and dealing with 7 - 13 gallon bags of trash +.

Miles Completed: 69
Miles Still to Goal: 296

Saturday, April 19, 2014


I've not been keeping good track but have been walking to and from school and we went to the Air Force Museum yesterday and I don't even want to know how many miles I walked yesterday. My legs are killing me. HA

I'm just going to do a rough estimate and start keep better track.

Miles Completed: 65
Miles Still to Goal: 300

Thursday, April 10, 2014


I walked 2.5 miles today.

Miles Completed: 55.5
Miles Still to Goal: 309.5


I walked 2 miles today.

Miles Completed: 53
Miles Still to Goal: 312

Monday, April 7, 2014


Reality is hitting that I'm gonna have to bust out some serious mileage to get enough miles in this year. :(

I walked 1 mile today.

Miles Completed: 51
Miles Still to Goal: 314