Thursday, January 31, 2013


I walked 2.5 miles outside today.

Miles Completed: 34.5
Miles Still to Goal: 330.5

My mom has walked  33.5 miles.


I walked 2 miles outside.

Miles Completed: 32
Miles Still to Goal: 333

My mom has walked 33.5 miles.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I haven't done any walking. :(

My mom has walked 27 miles.

Sunday, January 20, 2013


I walked 2 miles outside today.

Miles Completed: 28
Miles Still to Goal: 337

My mom has walked 22 miles.

Thursday, January 17, 2013


I walked 2 miles outside today.

Miles Completed: 26
Miles Still to Goal: 339

My mom has walked 20 miles.

Wed. 1/16/13

I walked 1 mile outside today.

Miles Completed: 24
Miles Still to Goal: 341

My mom has walked 18 miles.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tuesday 1/15/13

I walked 2 miles outside.

Miles Completed: 23
Miles Still to Goal: 342

My mom has walked 18 miles.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Happy Monday!

So I did NO walking this weekend and was feeling pretty crappy about being lazy...although I did start working on the disaster we've been calling the "playroom". HA
I woke up this morning after being up a lot last night with Miss Crabbypants and KNEW I needed to get moving.
I got brave and walked 3 miles!!!
I used this video: (Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone 3 Mile Abs 46 min) It felt great! I don't think I will have the time to do this one regularly but it was great. I do not have the fancy ab belt thing though but I did use cans of soup. LOL

I did a very quick (because it is freezing literally!!!) 1.5 mile walk this afternoon.

Miles Completed: 21
Miles Still to Goal: 344

My mom has walked 17 miles.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

1/11/13 and 1/12/13

I walked 1.5 miles outside yesterday and don't think I'm going to get to walk today.

Miles Completed: 16.5
Miles Still to Goal: 348.5

My mom has walked 14.5 miles.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


I have walked 1 mile today and plan on doing another later (weather permitting).
If I can NOT walk 1 mile later outside I'll be doing the 1 mile Leslie Sansone video.
I'll update later or tomorrow on which I do.

Miles Completed: 15
Miles Still to Goal: 350

My mom has walked 12.5 miles.

A day late...

I did exercise yesterday I just forgot to post on here.
I walked/skating and puddle jumped 2 miles.
The snow is finally melting but it is messy.

Miles Completed: 13
Miles Still to Goal: 352

My mom has walked 10.5 miles.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Partially done for today....maybe.

So the .25 was really bugging me so I decided to do the .75 to make it even.
I probably did a little under but I also think I did a extra lap last night at the ice skating rink so calling it a "wash". LOL

I'm hoping to do another mile at some point today but not making any promises.

I walked/skated 2 miles outside this afternoon. LOL

Miles Completed: 11
Miles Still to Goal: 354

My mom has walked 8.5 miles.

Monday, January 7, 2013


I went to the local ice skating rink to go running again this evening.
I walked and ran 1 mile.
I'm hoping by the end of the week to possibly be able to go running/walking outside.
It is supposed to be in the high 50's.

Miles Completed: 8.25
Miles Still to Goal: 356.75

1/6/13 - Day Off

I took yesterday (Sunday) off from "working out".
We did go sledding though so that was technically a work out but I'm not counting it toward my miles.

Miles Completed: 7.25
Miles Still to Goal: 357.75

Saturday, January 5, 2013

I ran again.

Today was a busy day for me but I managed to go to the local ice skating rink and run 1.25 miles.
It felt great. My legs sure are sore from all this sudden exercise. My knee did not bother me today though so that is good.

Miles Completed: 7.25
Miles Still to Goal: 357.75

My mom walked 1 miles today. So she has walked 4 miles.

Friday, January 4, 2013


I didn't wake up early but the kids were a bit calmer this morning so I "locked" myself in the kitchen with the laptop and did the 2 mile walk again!
Exercise TV / Start walking at home 2 miles with Leslie Sansone
It was a bit easier today but still a great workout. Unfortunately, I had a little pain/discomfort in my right knee while doing the workout today. I'm hoping it is just because it isn't used to this much working out and won't become a bigger issue. I'm glad I got my workout done early helps to not have to worry about how/when I'm going to find the time to get it done later in the day.

Miles Completed: 6
Miles Still to Goal: 359

My mom walked 1.5 miles today.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I ran.

So I didn't wake up early enough today to get my exercising done before the kids emerged from their beds.
Around 10:30am I thought I would be safe to do a quick mile...about half way through the craziness screaming, crying, running around like crazed maniacs and C was suddenly dying of starvation. @@  I had to quit. Thankfully my mom came over to watch the wild beasts and I went running @ the local ice skating rink.

Miles Completed: 4
Miles Still to Goal: 361

My mom walked 1.5 miles today.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


An online friend (Gina) posted a 2 mile workout/walk yesterday and I was leery of trying it.
I fell asleep too early last night so at 5am I got out of bed and did this workout/walk: 
Exercise TV / Start walking at home 2 miles with Leslie Sansone
About half way through I wanted to quit and was thinking why did I do this?!?!?! but I continued and finished it. 
I feel great, am drinking a big cup of water and will rest now until children start waking up.

Miles Completed: 3
Miles Still to Goal: 362

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Today is the day!

Today begins my yearly challenge of walking, jogging, running - doing least 365 miles this year.
I just completed mile numero uno thanks to this:
Walking - Part 1: Start Quick & Easy
Ideally I would like to actually be able to leave the house to exercise but I wanted to get it in early today and well half of my family stayed up past midnight last night so they are still sleeping. LOL

Mile Completed: 1
Miles Still to Goal: 364

I got this!