Monday, August 24, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

Back To School 2015/2016

School is back in session.
We began on 8/19/15.
This year I have a PM Kindergartner so I'll hopefully be doing lots of walking (weather depending of course!).

Here are my walking/miles so far:

8/19/15 - 1 mile - We did some driving because of timing/getting back into a routine.
8/20/15 - 5 miles!!! - Yes seriously! I was a walking machine yesterday. I walked 3 times to and from school, walked to Bryan's office, walked to the post office and walked the high school a few times during open house.
8/21/15 - 1 mile so least 2 more planned....will update later...

Update...I did end up walking 3 miles today.
My legs are tired.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


So apparently I'm having issues doing this during the school year also. I keep meaning to post in the morning when we get back from taking the kids to school but then I just get busy. HA

We have walked every day except 1 morning because of rain so that would be 10 miles on a normal week. They were out of school last Monday for Labor Day so I am pretty sure I walked 9 miles.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014



I walked 1 mile today.
I biked in the afternoon to pick the boys up from school.

Miles Completed: 9.5 miles

Emmerich's Miles Completed: 3.5 miles


I walked 2.5 miles today.

Miles Completed: 8.5 miles

Emmerich's Miles Completed: 2.5 miles